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Happy new year!!!


  1. Ich wünsche auch ein schönes neues Jahr.
    Sie haben mir eine Nachricht zu meinem Post über meine Geschenke geschrieben, hierfür möchte ich mich recht herzlich bedanken.
    Habe mich riesig über Ihre Nachricht gefreut.
    Die Farbe der Seite und Aufmachung gefällt mir sehr, leider kann ich kein Englisch.
    Liebe Grüsse und nochmal ein schönes erfolgreiches Jahr mit vielen tollen Begegnungen und Momenten


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10 things that didn't exist 10 ago (and why they're crucial for the future church)

Welcome to 2017!  I hope you made it well into the New Year, and that you have a lot of reasons to be hopeful for the future. 10 years ago we celebrated our first New Year’s Eve in Sweden. We had just moved here from Germany in order to develop new ideas and approaches for the church of the future, and coming from a tiny Bavarian village it felt as if we actually went into the future. But today I’d like to present to you ten things that did not exist 10 years ago - or at least hardly anyone was aware of them. Ten things that nowadays are a regular part of our daily life. Let’s go! 1) YouTube Actually, YouTube was already founded in 2005, but in my part of the world nobody really noticed it unit 2007. Today it’s nearly impossible to imagine a world without this video sharing site. Tutorials, trailers, vacation memories everything and way, way more is available around the clock. 2) Spotify A true Swedish invention from 2006: Music, music, and even more music. CD’s are o

Breaking News: We need YOUR click!

Serve the City Sweden has applied for a grant of 20,000 kr that will be given by a bigger company to a project of "sustainable social work". We literally applied last minute, but we got in. The bad news is that the jury will pick the "winner" by looking at the popularity of their application in the social media. The good news is however that Serve the City Sweden placed 13 out of all projects within only a couple of hours. But we still need more clicks. Would you PLEASE help us? Simply go to http://stipendium.weleda.se/ansokningar/tjana-stan and "like" it! THANKS!